Education: The Key to Ending Poverty
Investing in a child education in Africa is securing the future of Nations.
33% Primary school-age kids are out of school. 20% lower secondary age kids are out of school.
Primary school age kids are out of school
Lower secondary age kids are out of school
Regional Highlights and Challenges
Every child should complete a relevant & high-quality basic education
- Africa is home to 1.3 billion people – half of them children.
- The region will experience a sharp rise in its child and youth populations over the next few decade.
- Millions of children in Africa are still denied an education.
- The region accounts for one-third of the global total of primary-school-age children and one-fifth of lower-secondary-age children who are out of school.
- 33% of primary-school-age kids are out of school.

- 20% of lower-secondary-age kids are out of school.
- Children and adolescents caught up in humanitarian emergencies are especially vulnerable to missing out on schooling or dropping out of school permanently.
- The region also lags behind in gender equality in education. These differences get bigger as children progress through the school system.
- Another challenge is the quality of education that children receive. Even children who complete basic education face a slim chance of gaining the skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes required for success in the 21st century.
How will we defy it?
Every child should complete a relevant & high-quality basic education
Access to Education
Quality education for all children lies at the heart of social and economic development. We support parents and schools to improve educational access through inclusive education, expansion of early learning programs, Quranic education, vocational training, tutoring, and school facilities building.
Girls’ Education
Educated girls are vital for the health and prosperity of families, communities and countries. Faseelah Charity helps develop and implement programs that support girls’ achievements in and through education.
School Lunch
Many children abandon their classrooms because they need to work to eat. Providing school lunch will encourage parents to send their kids regularly to school and make the classroom adorable for children.