We’re on a Mission to end poverty and bring Hope to Africa.
Faseelah Charity is a registered 501 (c) (3) nonprofit charity organization focused on providing humanitarian services to the underserved people in Africa.
Our Mission
We are dedicated to Help developing communities in Africa in a dignified manner regardless of Age, Ethnicity or Religion.
Our Vision
Faseelah Charity Envisions an Africa without poverty and with dignity
Our Core Values
> Excellence and professionalism in our work
> Protecting our beneficiaries' dignity
> Integerity and transparency in all we do
> Providing the means for self-empowerment
> Ensuring the protection and security of our stakeholders
Why Africa?
Africa is the most neglected continent in the world, despite having all the resources.
Africa continues to be the poorest continent in the world with 47% of people living on $1.90 or less a day.
Africa has more than 33% of the world orphans population.
Malaria is still the second deadliest disease in Africa.
Nearly 5,000 children under 5 die every day because of contaminated water, poor sanitation, and improper hygiene.
Millions are vulnerable to diseases such as: Cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, skin diseases and eye infections.
Millions of women and children are still walking an average of 6-8 kilometers every day to get water.
Millions of children in Africa are still denied an education.
Many children abandon their classrooms because they need to work to eat.
Our Commitment
Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity and your wish to help by using your donation in the most effective way possible. Your donations will provide assistance within the gift category that you have chosen, or―in the event that you have not specified a category― where it is needed most.
Stewardship is an integral part of everything we do. In rare cases where donations exceed what is needed, or where local conditions prevent program implementation, Faseelah Charity will inform you before redirecting funds to similar activities in another location to help children and families in need.