Sadaqah Jariyah / Continuous Charity

What is a Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous, flowing, and ongoing charity. It is one of the most rewarding acts we can do in our lives as its benefit can be reaped in this lifetime and long after we have passed.

“Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they left behind, and all things We have accounted for in a clear register.”

The following famous hadith gives us the good news that even after our death, a Sadaqah Jariyah will continue to benefit us:

“When a person dies, all their deeds come to an end except for three: Sadaqah Jariyah (a continuing charity), beneficial knowledge, and a righteous child who prays for them.”

What is the difference between Sadaqah and Sadaqah Jariyah?

Sadaqah is a charitable act that benefits the recipient on a single occasion; it counts as one good deed for the giver. Sadaqah Jariyah, however, benefits the recipient more than once and that good deed will continue rewarding the donor even after she/he passes.

Feeding a needy person is a Sadaqah, but planting trees or even whole orchards to benefit communities for years to come is Sadaqah Jariyah.

أخرج المنذري في الترغيب والترهيب أنّ رسول الله -صلّى الله عليه وسلّم- قال: “إنَّ ممَّا يلحقُ المُؤْمِنَ من عملِهِ وحسَناتِهِ بعدَ موتِهِ عِلمًا علَّمَهُ ونشرَهُ، وولدًا صالحًا ترَكَهُ، أوَ مُصحفًا ورَّثَهُ، أو مسجدًا بَناهُ أو بيتًا لابنِ السَّبيلِ بَناهُ، أو نَهْرًا أجراهُ، أو صدقةً أخرجَها من مالِهِ في صحَّتِهِ وحياتِهِ، تلحقُهُ من بعدِ مَوتِهِ”

In this following Hadith, The Prophet (PBUH) has mentioned several types of Sadaqah Jariyah.

The Prophet (PBUH) said:

  • “Indeed, the rewards of the actions and good deeds of a believer that will reach him after his/her death are:
  • Knowledge that he/she taught and spread.
  • A righteous child whom he/she leaves behind.
  • A copy of the Quran that he/she leaves as a legacy.
  • A masjid that he/she built.
  • A house that he/she built for wayfarers.
  • A canal that he/she dug.
  • Or a charity that he/she gave from his/her wealth in his/her good health and life.”

We offer a wide range of Sadaqah Jariyah projects that enable the beneficiaries to help themselves beyond the initial intervention, ensuring that donors and beneficiaries alike reap the benefits of this Sadaqah Jariyah for years to come.

The beauty of Sadaqah Jariyah is that you can give on behalf of a loved one and benefit them directly without decreasing your own rewards. When we lose a loved one, there is no better way to honor their memories than with a Sadaqah Jariyah.

Our Sadaqah Jariyah Projects include

Dig a Water Well
Help Establish a Small Business
Designate a Waqf/endowment

Join us today to leave a legacy behind you!


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