We are helping in the fight against Poverty in Sierra Leone.

Facts about Sierra Leone

Facts about Sierra Leone

Schools built to educate childs
bottles of drinking water provided
Job opportunities created
Schools built to educate childs
Schools built to educate childs
Schools built to educate childs

Helping Children's in Sierra Leone to go to school.

Providing Safe drinking water to remote Areas in Sierra Leone.

Our Projects

Join us today and save those innocent lives.

Through our one-to-one sponsorship, you can be the person to make all the difference in the life of one extremely vulnerable child.

Your partnership with Faseelah Charity (for Orphans in Africa) through your full annual or monthly sponsorship helps provide nutritious meals, clothes, healthcare, and an education to an orphaned child in Africa. It will enable the mother or the guardian, often a member of the extended family, to provide the level of care we would wish for all the children in our own lives.